Here is a list of things, in no particular order, a doula may do with you
(Please note that this is a general list and not specific to any individual cases or all doulas. Also, not everything listed here comprises part of my doula service.)
- Meet with you and you partner to discuss your pregnancy and birth – maybe several times. This will obviously involve discussing your birth plan. But a doula will take things further and may get you thinking about how to deal with issues that you might face and wouldn’t have otherwise thought about (eg tactics for keeping the nosey neighbour away when you first get home or the jealousy an older sibling (or even dad!) might feel)
- Be available for support via telephone, text orĀ email. Texting and email are easy ways of firing off a quick question and enable your doula to provide a considered answer. (Try texting your GP!)
- Offer support so you can deal with any issues that may have resulted from a past trauma such as a negative birth experience, rape or abuse. (Some doulas may offer this as as a specialist service.
- Make you a cup of tea, when you really need one
- Accompany you on a tour of your local maternity unit
- Think outside of the box for you – imaginative solutions may not come easily to you. (eg Lotus Birth)
- Massage your back during labour
- Arrange a birth pool for you (doulas have all sorts of contacts!)
- Point out rights and entitlements that your maternity unit or GP may not make obvious to you. Homebirths are a good example of this.)
- There is a mass of information available to parents. Some is good, some bad. How do you filter out the good stuff from the bad (or even dangerous) stuff? Your doula should be able to help you. (Read this about assessing information resources)
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