In May this year I was diagnosed with a very rare cancer called ocular melanoma. This means I have a tumour in my eye, behind my retina. This kind of cancer can spread to the liver, so as well as radiotherapy treatment for the tumour, which involves a hospital stay to have a radioactive plaque Continue Reading
A Handful of Gemstones: Doulas Celebrate Wonderful Midwives and Doctors
I recently wrote a post about some of the things that are said to parents to cajole, manipulate or threaten them into accepting interventions. This is a widespread problem but the last thing I would want is for my readers to think that I have an unrelentingly negative view and experience of the way Continue Reading
Breastfeeding Support? What’s THAT?
What does support mean? When it comes to breastfeeding your baby, the dictionary definition may, or may not be too helpful: Support /səˈpɔːt/ verb 1. bear all or part of the weight of; hold up. 2. give assistance to, especially financially. noun 1. a thing that bears the weight of Continue Reading
Myth Busting, Booby Traps and Breastfeeding Success
As a Breastfeeding Counsellor and Doula, I spend a lot of time talking to women (and men) about breastfeeding. I also hang out online rather a lot, reading forums and blogs about my favourite subject. Here are a few of the statements about infant feeding I hear most…and my thoughts in response. Continue Reading
Men, Love and Birth…and a few giggles
Before we start this review, a small disclaimer is probably necessary. I know Mark Harris, the author of this new book on birth and, after a couple of years of online interaction, some lovely chinwags on the phone and a few real world hugs, I would consider him a mate. Still, I hope I'd be a good Continue Reading
The Father’s Role: Partners are Precious!
Over the last few years I have been honoured to support some amazing fathers. Men who have walked a dark night of the soul all of their own in order to be by the side of their lovers when they give birth. I have watched men step up, and step into their power as fathers. Just like the transition to Continue Reading
Planning a Wedding
This is a guest blog post from my dear, imaginary friend Janet. She wrote me a letter recently with the happy news that she is expecting to get married in the spring. It is copied here verbatim. "Dear Maddie, It was so nice to hear all your news! I'm well too and I have some good news for you - Continue Reading
What is a doula?
So, what is a Doula and What Do You Get Out of Having One? A doula is a well-informed friend. She's there for you when you need a listening ear. She points you in the direction of good quality information to help you make decisions along the way. She encourages you to work out what it is you want Continue Reading
What does a doula do?
Here is a list of things, in no particular order, a doula may do with you (Please note that this is a general list and not specific to any individual cases or all doulas. Also, not everything listed here comprises part of my doula service.) Meet with you and you partner to discuss your pregnancy Continue Reading