Button, Devils' Doorknob, Bald Man in a Boat...the English words for the female clitoris are far and few between and not particularly positive or enlightening. As a woman in her 50s, born and bred in England, I have a suspicion that my lack of vocabulary to describe this part of my body is a symptom Continue Reading
Shame and Blame in the Birth Game: Part 2
'I have failed.' I hear it almost every day. It's women who whisper this. Men don't. Men say, 'I was robbed', 'It wasn't fair', 'There wasn't enough time', 'Ah well, that's just the way it is.' Our bodies are branded. Labelled and judged: “Failure to progress” "Incompetent" "Lack of Continue Reading
Pat & Archy of The Patriarchy
Oh Pat&Archy, you have the lion's share. You're playing footsie with the FTSE, Stuffed shirts on all the boards you Chair. Oh Pat, why are you so greedy and so fat? Oh Archy, why must you always play the autocrat? Dear Pat&Archy, why do you hate us so? You rape and take, or turn away Continue Reading