VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesaerean) and HBAC (Homebirth After Cesearean) is at once a huge, complex subject and a simple one.
To start with the simple, it really just means the option to have your baby normally after previously having a baby via c-section. Research evidence, The Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynocology and the Royal College of Midwives agree that all women should be offered the choice of a normal birth after c-section.
Many hospitals now have VBAC clinics that offer counsel to women with a previous c-section so that they can make an informed decision about what they’d like to do this time.
Despite the fact the evidence is strong that woman with one or two previous cesaereans can confidently choose to give birth normally next time and studies that say of women who choose VBAC over 70% of them will be successful, there are still obstacles and controversy surrounding this subject.
Some top VBAC tips and thoughts on the subject will follow soon.
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