It's deeply ingrained, this habit of putting hats on newborns. Search online for images of newborns and almost all of them are togged up in a woolly hat, for all the world like they are about to go outside for a snowball fight. So why do we do it? And why do so many midwives and doctors insist that Continue Reading
Weaponising the Ockenden Report
This Guest Post is an edited version of an article which appeared on on 28 March, with the title The Ockenden Report: are we making natural birth a scapegoat? reproduced by permission of the editor. The author Sarah Johnson is a doula and birth educator and has Continue Reading
Complementary Therapies in Maternity Care: are we blind to the bias?
I was scared. VERY. I am dreadfully phobic of enclosed spaces and didn't know how I was going to cope with an MRI. For a while I considered putting it off but I realised that being a doula has given me a number of useful tools. First, I reached out to a friend who was able to use her Continue Reading
I Love You, Even When You’re Closed-Minded
I remember a particular teacher during my school career who used to shout at us, "QUESTION EVERYTHING", "NEVER ACCEPT THE STATUS QUO", "NEVER ASSUME YOU'RE RIGHT". We giggled and pretended to ignore her, too cool for school at the back of the class. But somewhere, sometime, somehow, those words have Continue Reading
Biological Nurturing, or, get comfy and use those neonatal reflexes!
I have been suggesting laid back postures to the mums I support for some years now. If you don't know what Biological Nurturing (BN) is, have a look at Suzanne Colson's website. The magic that happens when a mother leans back in the chair and makes her whole body (breast to pubic bone) available to Continue Reading
Hypernatraemia in newborns: A study
"Neonatal hypernatraemia at this level, in this population, is strongly associated with weight loss. It occurs almost exclusively after attempts to initiate breast feeding, occurs uncommonly and does not appear to be associated with serious short term morbidities, beyond admission to Continue Reading