It has been thought that the taste of our breastmilk can change after exercise, due to a raise in lactic acid levels. This theory appears to have been debunked in this study: There is evidence, however, that what we eat can affect the Continue Reading
Why Just One Day?
This post is dedicated to all the amazing doulas I know who 'mother the mother', to every breastfeeding support worker I know and to every single mother I have ever supported - you are all incredible. One day? One day of the year we get. Just one. One day to appreciate, to thank, to hug to our Continue Reading
Spoilt For Choice?
Ahhh CHOICE, what an emotive word We live in a world full of it and I sometimes wonder if there is't too much of it - especially when I'm in a supermarket or am flicking through my 100+ TV channels. So I felt moved to look up the definition - so here you are: 1. The act of choosing; Continue Reading
The Father’s Role: Partners are Precious!
Over the last few years I have been honoured to support some amazing fathers. Men who have walked a dark night of the soul all of their own in order to be by the side of their lovers when they give birth. I have watched men step up, and step into their power as fathers. Just like the transition to Continue Reading
“In Yer Basket!”, or, the cult of the baby-trainer
I don't think it ever seriously occurred to me that what I had just pushed out of my body wasn't a human being. I was definitely completely certain it wasn't a puppy (despite my strange pregnancy dreams) or a robot. After a bit of kip, a cuddle and a coo, I was quickly convinced that this thing in Continue Reading
Living and Loving by Numbers
Tapping in my pin number always makes me smile. If you know me well, ask me why - the answer is infantile humour but helps me remember it. I don't have a good head for numbers, in fact I'd go so far as to say I'm pretty much number-blind. As I tapped in my pin the other day, I suddenly had an Continue Reading
Mama on the Move – Breastfeeding with an Audience?
Public breastfeeding, Nursing in Public (NIP) or my daughter's favourite, 'mama on the move' is a controversial subject. Particularly in the US it seems, there is a constant stream of press and blog articles about whether it should be allowed at all, let alone discreetly. The lines seem clearly Continue Reading
The First Days of Feeding
Babies are usually born with a jolly good covering of brown fat. This is to sustain them in the early days. They don't really need 'feeding' as such in the first few days, in fact, in an average 'feed' is only about 5-7mls at a time. Nature is therefore perfectly designed to start this feeding Continue Reading
Breastfeeding Blues: Feeling Sad When Nursing
This is a guest post by an inspiring mother called Alena Lewis. Her determination to nurse her baby despite the challenge of D-MER. Don't know what that is? Read on! Many thanks, Alena for sharing your story. Dysphoric Milk Ejection Reflex What the duck is that? I hear you ask... well apart from a Continue Reading
Breastfeeding Support-Doulas: Boundaries and Benefits
I've spent my working life thinking about boundaries in one capacity or another and have been through the pain of working out why it's important for me to understand where my role begins and ends as a doula, breastfeeding counsellor and doula course leader and believe me, sometimes it's difficult to Continue Reading