Button, Devils' Doorknob, Bald Man in a Boat...the English words for the female clitoris are far and few between and not particularly positive or enlightening. As a woman in her 50s, born and bred in England, I have a suspicion that my lack of vocabulary to describe this part of my body is a symptom Continue Reading
Ouch, Ooh and Ahh: how to undermine breastfeeding in one simple step
I had an interesting day yesterday. I should have been at the ABM Conference but due to waiting for a baby, this doula was stuck in Cambridge, so I attended a local parenting show. There were a few exhibitors in our local town hall so I had a little wander around to see who was there. Now, as a Continue Reading
Books, Links and Resources
Reading, researching, learning and sharing.... I'll be adding in titles of books that may be useful here and links to their websites, if possible. The Food of Love' and 'Bump', by Kate Evans http://www.thefoodoflove.org/ Weblinks Breastfeeding Links Coping with Continue Reading
The Love Drug that Helps You Give Birth
Many doulas who are new to the role tell me that they feel they should be ‘doing something’ when they are with a woman in labour. They feel helpless in the face of the contractions that are challenging their clients’ strength and emotional resources. They want to take away the pain. This is, of Continue Reading