This latest Tongue Tie story is from Lou Hirst, mother of two and doula. Her story shows that tongue tied babies can still put on lots of weight and their ties can therefore be easily missed. It is not until someone skilled enough to be able to assess the whole breastfeeding relationship spends time Continue Reading
Being Loved in Abobo: What Africa has to Teach us About Supporting Mothers
I am honoured to host this article by my friend and colleague Becky Young. Becky is a doula and breastfeeding counsellor who recently travelled to the Ivory Coast. Read on for her reflections on parenting in this wonderful country and how it throws our way of life in Europe into stark relief. Continue Reading
Breastfeeding Support? What’s THAT?
What does support mean? When it comes to breastfeeding your baby, the dictionary definition may, or may not be too helpful: Support /səˈpɔːt/ verb 1. bear all or part of the weight of; hold up. 2. give assistance to, especially financially. noun 1. a thing that bears the weight of Continue Reading
6 Visions of Breastfeeding Support for Cinderella
As brand new breastfeeding mothers, we can sometimes feel like Cinderella, sitting lonely in the kitchen while everyone else is having fun, feeling like we have been tasked with the impossible. But just like Cinderella, you are not alone. Even without her mother to care for her, Cinders had others Continue Reading
Breastfeeding Celebration Week? Kent Speaks Out
Today's post is from Anna Le Grange, an IBCLC in Kent who is joining us to speak out against the cuts to breastfeeding support during 'Breastfeeding Celebration Week'. If, like us, you feel there really isn't much to celebrate (other than the amazing families who breastfeed in spite of the lack of Continue Reading
Breastfeeding: How Society Makes a Difference
This is a guest post from my lovely friend and doula trainee, Rosie Spampinato. I have encouraged her to write this post to illustrate the power that society has on our breastfeeding journeys. We do not nurse in a vacuum, but are prey to all the influences, good and bad, that society can throw at Continue Reading
Myth Busting, Booby Traps and Breastfeeding Success
As a Breastfeeding Counsellor and Doula, I spend a lot of time talking to women (and men) about breastfeeding. I also hang out online rather a lot, reading forums and blogs about my favourite subject. Here are a few of the statements about infant feeding I hear most…and my thoughts in response. Continue Reading
Coercing with kindness?
'She's so kind, she spent 20 minutes telling me about why the induction is the best choice. I should do it really. I wouldn't want to disappoint her'. 'He was so gentle and caring and understanding. I'm sure what he says must be for the best'. 'She's told me that it would be dangerous to stay Continue Reading
Ouch, Ooh and Ahh: how to undermine breastfeeding in one simple step
I had an interesting day yesterday. I should have been at the ABM Conference but due to waiting for a baby, this doula was stuck in Cambridge, so I attended a local parenting show. There were a few exhibitors in our local town hall so I had a little wander around to see who was there. Now, as a Continue Reading
Biological Nurturing, or, get comfy and use those neonatal reflexes!
I have been suggesting laid back postures to the mums I support for some years now. If you don't know what Biological Nurturing (BN) is, have a look at Suzanne Colson's website. The magic that happens when a mother leans back in the chair and makes her whole body (breast to pubic bone) available to Continue Reading