What does support mean? When it comes to breastfeeding your baby, the dictionary definition may, or may not be too helpful: Support /səˈpɔːt/ verb 1. bear all or part of the weight of; hold up. 2. give assistance to, especially financially. noun 1. a thing that bears the weight of Continue Reading
The Oxytocin Factory
Much is discussed about what a doula does, or doesn't do. Research consistently shows that women who have the constant emotional support of a lay woman in labour are significantly less likely to request pain relief. But why is this? As a doula-mentor, many doulas who are new to the role tell me Continue Reading
The Love Drug that Helps You Give Birth
Many doulas who are new to the role tell me that they feel they should be ‘doing something’ when they are with a woman in labour. They feel helpless in the face of the contractions that are challenging their clients’ strength and emotional resources. They want to take away the pain. This is, of Continue Reading